Final Project Video Footage (Rough Draft)

Here is our rough draft for our final project:

Of course there is still some way to go in terms of organizing how we want to transition from one scene to the next as well as other aesthetics or features, such as background music and    This is only a fraction of what is to be made. All in all, I am satisfied with our group’s progress at the moment. It really was difficult arranging a time to meet and capturing our own footage. This is because we all have busy schedules so finding a day to get most of the fundamental parts of the project on camera. This also meant less room for error so it was very important that we managed our limited time wisely. When we finally refine our video through more editing, we can certainly display something more accurate in terms of what we would like to show in relation to spinal cord injury and assisted mobility.

There are multiple ways I believe that can work quite effectively to spread the message to other people. First of all, sending the link to friends and family. This can be done through many ways: AIM, Facebook, E-mailing, Tumblr, and any other social media outlet there is that I use.  Our target audience consists of mostly college students (but not limited to just students – in fact people who don’t know much about spinal cord injury) so people that I know would fit perfectly in this aspect. I was thinking about this too but another easy yet effective way is to utilize the popular Internet site “Reddit”. As many people know, the site works based on an upvote-downvote system where the more “upvotes” a post has, the more likely it is to be seen. If we have a well-made video, there can a possibility of getting so much that it will make the front page; However, this is not likely and we should not expect this as priority. Even if we don’t get a lot of “upvotes”, we could post it in various subreddits (equivalent to a forum’s subforum) that relate to paralysis or disability. With a simple Google search I was able to find this: . It is perfect in the sense it has a specific target audience which makes the video something useful to those that can access it. I am sure there are many other subreddits that exist which cater towards the disabled. So our video will have some sort of interest base among viewers.